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about us

Jindera Primitive Campground

(Image Credit: WikiCamps Australia)

Community Support

Rural Care Link is a volunteer community support organisation based in Jindera.

We work to provide help to those in need in Jindera and in our surrounding rural community.

​The organisation is run by volunteers.​

Amazing Volunteers

In addition to our Committee, we also have a wonderful band of energetic and friendly volunteers who help run the Op Shop.

This is where the majority of our volunteer staff are employed, and they are the backbone of Rural Care Link Inc. operations.

We are always looking for new volunteers as we endeavour to expand our projects and activities within the community.

Our Committee

The organisation is headed by a voluntary Committee of Management, elected each year at our Annual General Meeting, responsible for and having oversight of all programs and projects undertaken, in accordance with the rules set out in our Constitution.

The Committee is comprised of an Executive: President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary.

Coordinators for Community Assist, Op Shop, Newsletter and Carers Support and up to 3 Ordinary Members.


Our Committee Management:

  • President – The public face that represents the association, chairs meetings, and oversees the management of our employed Office Administration Assistant.
  • Vice-President – Steps into the President’s role when required.
  • Secretary – Oversees membership, records and distributes RCL meeting minutes and assists the President.
  • Treasurer – Manages the financial affairs of the Association.
  • Op Shop Coordinator – Oversees the Op Shop operations and staffing.
  • Newsletter Coordinator – Oversees newsletter content, production, and distribution.
  • Carers Group Coordinator – Oversees a support group for local carers, part of Carers Plus Group.
  • Community Assist Coordinator – Facilitates and oversees the process of assessment, intake, assistance, and referrals for people in need.
  • Community Assist Volunteer Team Manager-maintains a Volunteer Register and allocates volunteers as required by the Intake Subcommittee, reports to the Coordinator.
  • Carers Plus Group-(2 members + Carers Group Coordinator) runs 2-3 community events per year.
  • Ordinary members (up to an additional 3 members) – Take active roles to contribute to and guide the business of the association.
  • One member is required to take on the role of Public Officer.

 The President, Treasurer, and Coordinators provide a written report to monthly RCL meetings, which forms part of the Meeting Agenda.


Are you interested in joining our Management Committee?